About Hammond Organs
It is impossible to think of a Church Service without hearing the Hammond Organ singing along. It’s tradition, it’s inspiration, it’s comfort and it’s forever.
In short: It’s the SOUND, the SOUL, the ONE!
Time marches on, and the revered Vintage Hammonds of the past 80 years are now antiques. Parts for them are scarce and upkeep is expensive.
Luckily, Hammond Organ knows and respects the Church’s traditions, and offers a line of instruments that keeps those traditions, with the sounds (and looks) you have come to love, trust, and confide in. The march of time has brought new music to your Worship, and Hammond has kept pace, with the ability to jump generations with the greatest of ease.
Economic considerations are always at the forefront, and Hammond has made sure each of our instruments packs the mighty punch of the iconic B-3; from our entry level Xk-1c, through the revolutionary new Model A-3, clear up to the B-3mkII, a “spitting image” of the Classic Organ. Low price brings no compromise in power or quality of sound.
Many Modern Hammonds also feature voices beyond the familiar ones, those of Acoustic/Electric Pianos, Strings, Brass, and Synthesizer, to name a few; these to compliment the contemporary sounds of Worship.
Renew your faith and confidence in the King Of Instruments.
Bring a NEW Hammond home to your Church.
(From Hammond Website)