You know what bothers me? Cable knots.
We have all experienced the frustration of trying to pick up a cable that looks well coiled, and ended up with the worlds biggest ball of rubber coated yarn. It doesn’t matter if it’s a 3′ pair of earbuds, or a 300′ DMX cable…cables always seem to find a way!
Mysterious, indeed.
Where were we? Frustration. Yarn. World records.
Then, from the dark, a shining light appeared while I roamed the great blue corridors of my local Lowe’s Home Improvement. The light was so bright I was blinded. It was some kid playing with flashlights. So I turned away from that light, and then these fuzzy little straps called out to me, as if by name. I purchased them, naturally. With great ease, and immense satisfaction I wrapped one of the neat little velcro ties around every cable that I owned, and some that I didn’t.
I was changed on that day. From that moment on, I have had no issues with sifting through bins of cables with not so much as a hint of cable knots.
So, boys and girls, musicians and church tech directors, do yourselves a favor and go get some of these bad boys from your local Lowe’s Home Improvement. You won’t regret it!
Until next time.
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